Saturday, October 10, 2009

10 rules for optimizing pages for search engines

There are 10 important factors that must be followed for the optimization of Web pages that help make our site better is entered in the search engines.

The title tag, this tag is important because they appear on the results page of search engines and it always appears at the top of which are blue in our browser. The title tag of your site must be easy to read and should describe the theme of your site in general and should be the main theme as we do not have much space to write on this label.

The label description: label description in a sentence as its name suggests is responsible for describing the content and theme of the website this label must enter a description that captures the attention of other visitors and encourage you to enter our home page Like the title should be easy to read and understand.

Keywords: the importance of keywords in the search engines varies, because each search algorithm changes the importance of these for the positioning of the website yet keywords are considered as one of the most important things to take into account for optimizing a Web page, the keywords we use on our site must be related to the thematic content of each page.

ALT Tags: These tags are what is shown when we move the mouse over an image are represented by a yellow box with black letters on the label used to describe the image that shows us to get more this tag will use to reinforce the words keys, description and title of our website.

Header label: they are used to format titles that are within the page such as for a main title should use H1 tags as they are heading and the search engines interpret it as such as we know this label displays the text in a large and bold but often this label does not match the layout of our page in size, color and type of letter, but what can we do to use this label to keep the design of our website, as well here is where some interest include cascades through this style because we can format the labels that are already defined such as the H1, as we do this? the best way is from a document stated in style H1 tag will define our values and where we can say what size, color and font type we use. With this we get the search engines read our titles such as our visitors can visually and believe these titles included in the design of our website.

Links: often use images as buttons on our site since we all give a better appearance but for search engine optimization that is not good because the search engines can not follow links in the images the best way is to use links text and everyone can use to describe the content that directs us the link and if we use words related to the page content will be better appreciated by the search engines and always remember that these techniques are to optimize our site and to improve our position in the search engines, why? why we are better positioned we will have more visits to our site and this is converted into customers, subscribers or readers.

Site Map: site map in a file which contains links to all pages in our Web site, the main function of this map is visually guide the visitor on the structure and organization of the page, but also this and more importantly for this case is that when we give our web site high in search engine and entering the robot to reach the site map will follow all the links there are and this ensures that the engine knows the existence of all the pages.

Linking to our site: another factor that take into account the search engines are the sites that link to ours, but not any more important or relevant are those in which their content is related to the north and to the thinking of search engine is that if a site has content of an important issue and thus make link to another page with related content to say that this information is also important, so we must take into account the search for relevant links to our Web site or by exchange, or placing items on another page or commenting on blogs.

Content: Well so far we have seen some factors to take into account that our website is positioned well in the results of search engines but all this must be accompanied by a good content on our site, so we should not forget to offer visitors a rich information resources and services and always remembering to use keywords within the content-related query that you want in the search engines. I want to say Let's see a simple example if I wanted to write an article on "tables" to take into account that the Bureau should include the word several times, it is ideal that the word appears in this table tag words key, description, title and image. With this we are strengthening the whole page for that search criteria.

And last but not least we must be honest and avoid cheating to get better positions, I mean this with the use of only pages developed with keywords and redirect rule known as "cloacking" which use any strategy to fool the search engines and that at some point fail and strategies in the search engines can not punish.



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